Perhaps seemingly speechless at his chivalry, Patty and I didn’t hesitate looking a gift horse in the mouth. “Let me show you where those shovels are” I volunteered. High in pride and spirit, off he marched into that white, packed mess of snow, and started shoveling the “wrong way” should there be one.
“Should we give him pointers on how to do it right?” Patty suggested to me. As far as I was concerned, he was in God’s hands now. Instead I suggested we simply stay inside where it was warm while he got his fill of Saskatchewan’s freezing love. Sure enough when he came in later he was cold, tired, and was perfectly fine with never having to shovel a driveway again. He’s a smart lad; catches on quick.
I picked a pink car and drove around with my husband. Together we had atleast 4 sons, quickly filling the car with flamboyant men. Later we had a daughter, and speculated on how her upbringing would be noteworthy to say the least. Chad and I had great jobs, while Patty lost thousands on new businesses and whatever. Chad ending up winning, and it was a lot of fun.
Later we played Settlers of Catan. This game is all awesome to say the least. Unquestionably, I got the two of them hooked, and can’t wait to see them again to play some more. I think everyone was able to win a game each, and I finally was able to talk my mom into joining a round, her first since her obsessive addiction while visiting in Japan the year prior. I guess she was afraid of playing again for so long lest she risk reigniting that previous passion.
It’s unnecessary to proclaim the enjoyment experienced. I’m just happy the presents made of clothing, for which I try to never buy, were received so well. More importantly, they were the correct sizes. Even the shirts I bought for my dad were a good fit.
Lots ‘o food, lots ‘o fun.
With my Christmas money and gift certificate, I waited for a sale. I knew what camera I wanted, (curse my lost old camera! Wherever it may be…) A Canon Powershot SX210IS. It was almost $100 off, and I got an open boxed item; a common occurrence around Christmas as people may not be gifted their colour of choosing. This 15% off (or 5 maybe) was the deciding factor in getting a black model instead of purple; a less than desirable colour sure, but one fit to carry on the spirit of my previous pink models that have served me well.
The first 100 photos or so are of my cat, Elvis, and myself mostly screwing around with the many features. It zooms up to 14x, and has features/modes that large expensive cameras need multi-hundred dollar lenses to achieve. For example the earlier pic, where it focuses on one item while blurring its surroundings. I was particularly impressed with its long exposure for those night shots I love so much, and a mini tripod to help capture them.
The strap was around that glove and not my wrist, so as my glove came off, so too, did that new expensive fancy camera, down onto that nicely plowed sidewalk of cold, hard, concrete.
My stomach dropped and hit that concrete just as hard as the camera did. I was positively Ill. The case got scratched and bent, but I tried really hard to look at the positive side to it all. Now that it was damaged, I won’t worry too much more about damaging it again, and the bottom line was it still works great. I took a lot of photos of the university that day, and was surprised to see that ball of trash/art was still there taking up space.
Best-case scenario: Ann will come to Canada to study English at the end of April. Worst-case scenario: Ann will be rejected, yet again… then who knows. I would rather not think about it. I haven’t seen her since June of last year. I remember in the past I would think back to my years-ago relationship with Crystal when I lived in China; long distance is simply not worth it. Alas, Ann is worth it, but if my government won’t let her come here, I’m at a loss for what to do short of marriage: an expensive and lengthy piece of paperwork itself.
Before I knew it I was watching cartoons at 3 in the morning on TV again, and sleeping past noon. One weekend I played an awesome video game, Silent Storm, nonstop. The next, I downloaded and started watching Star Trek: The Original Series just for something to do. One time my mom walked in on me watching it, and it was probably worse than her catching me watching something naughty: “Why are you watching that?!? It’s so old!” Steve explained it to me as my nerd reflex coming out.
Anyways the only thing different from my weeknights and my Saturday night was: I told myself “Hey it’s Saturday, I should drink” and poured myself a little alcohol I got in the Dominican. That’s it.
Sure sometimes I’d rarely see some friends (and order the cheapest thing on the menu) and tried to go to the gym with my brother as often as possible, but it’s still a depressing existence, that. Nothing to do but sleep, waste time, and apply for jobs. Oh did I apply for jobs. I went to several places around the city in person. I called many of them on the phone. There was a job fair at the university in February. There was a job fair at the Conexus Art Center last week. I showed up, and tried to give my resume to anyone that would take it.
Many at the University fair would tell me to check out their website, which clearly wasn’t working for me. Our local newspaper, The Leader Post, recently heavily advertised “Engineering Week” for Saskatchewan, boasting the need to hire 1000 engineers in mining alone. I went to websites of many of the firms advertised, and was disappointed to read: “No opportunities currently available.” My mom suggested writing the newspaper directly to vent my frustrations. It got to the point where I would look at those ‘job openings’ and ‘lies’ was all I could think as I dismissed the propaganda.
One of those places we drove by had a “Help Wanted” sign on the window. This humble place is called “Smokin’ Okies” BBQ. I walked in, handed in my resume, and almost immediately the owner Eric came to me and talked with me personally. A quick look at my resume, and he told me I was “a bit over qualified to work at a restaurant.” Unfortunately, that is probably the same thing everyone was thinking when my resume was tossed from consideration.
For the first time in years, I heard back from an employer. Eric called me almost a week later, checked to see how my job hunt was going, and asked me to start in a couple hours. I was more than happy to oblige. Earlier, I briefly wondered if service industry work was “beneath me” but then thought that a man in my position doesn’t have much of a right to be asking that. I also remember a quote from long ago: “If you are hired as a broom sweeper, then be the best damn broom sweeper they have ever had and go from there.” So finally, at long last, after 7 months of despair, I had work again.
Until then I was half hoping to keep this a somewhat secret in my life, which would explain my deer-in-the-headlights moment when I saw my Aunt Wendy wave me down. I didn’t know what else to say, but the truth never hurts:
It felt damn good to have a job again.
I had an income again. I was making new friends. My time once again had a value. But most importantly, I had a reason to wake up in the morning.
I kept these positive thoughts in mind constantly. For example on my first or second day a dude asked me what I wanted to do with my life. There I was, me with my meat apron on while leaning on my mop stick, talking about the robots I wanted to build, the new technology I wanted to develop, the space agencies I was applying at, and how I wanted to dedicate my life to a purpose greater than my ego, for all of mankind.
If I didn’t already have an expensive 5-year university education, I probably would have looked like an optimistic but naive youngster, reaching for stars far out of reach… Perhaps I still am.
How close can I realistically come to my childhood dreams? As the powerful quote goes: “Dreams don’t die, we kill them.” There doesn’t seem to be much commercial interest in space, atleast not nearly as much as there is in the exploitation of our planet's finite resources. That unfortunately seem to be the limited options I can apply my talents to, but at this point it's probably clear I'm open to many options, especially if it's a way to see Ann again.
I also got my first paycheck in over 7 months! Sure I only had worked 2 shifts, but I almost wanted to hang it in a picture frame more than cash it in.
That was Tuesday, and mom’s birthday was Friday. She didn't do much either, but Melissa and I went out with her for some food. It’s been a good March so far I guess, one week it was nice and spring-like, but the next week it snowed nonstop. The only thing my breath is held for at the moment is Ann’s interview next week with the embassy.
I remember (almost a year ago?) how I mentioned that another job in Japan would be a step backwards for me, while a job in Regina would be 2 steps back. My how things have changed, unemployment does strange things to a person. Whenever a young person I work with shows envy with my situation, I tell them “The first 3 months are fun, but 7 is just too much.”
It’s interesting to note how I’ve hit a noticeable generation gap. Many of my co-workers are 10 years younger than me, rather than me being the youngest person at the company. The first question asked to me by many of my coworkers is “how old are you?” followed by “how tall are you?” One girl even asked me how many kids I have. Today some of the highschoolers were bugging each other about crushes, making me feel old. World perspectives seem to have changed in my time as well.
Until then the job is getting better all the time as I get more proficient and become more acquainted with the staff. After work tonight I stayed for a drink or two with Jeff and Erik, which lead to my current sloshed state at 2 in the morning. We chatted about several different things, and I think I’ve made new friends.
I’m beginning to believe this new job is my “turning point.”
"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place." -Author Unknown
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